Monday, February 10, 2014

The Urgency, Part 1

The text below was originally drafted nearly 7 years ago, but it is still a topic that is very current in Christian communities and American culture. Real talk, the enemy try's to keep us in bondage, by causing us to feel shameful of our past; but the Word of God says in Revelations 12:11, "And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony." I welcome your feedback, and know that this is a no judgement zone, but a place to share your truth, in hopes of empowering others.

“Hi my name is Florence and I am a recovering fornicator. It has been a struggle but I have been clean for nine months.” 


Today is a typical Monday afternoon at work and in between writing a press release and putting the final touches on the calendar of events; an erotic sensation of pleasure and pain moistens between my legs. STOP. WAIT.  HOLD UP. What’s going on here? Galatians 5:16 says “stay in the Spirit and I would not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” But how do I do that?

There is nothing externally stimulating me. LORD, WHAT’S WRONG WITH ME? It’s just my body’s natural desire to resurrect the little black book (actually mine is a little green book), to satisfy my earthly desire.

Heck he created me thus he knows that at the age of 27 years old my body is craving to be held, touched, caress and loved. Besides when you think about it in biblical days I would have been married with children by now.

This sensation has taken over my day. I think to myself if a man just so much as look at me and smile, I am likely to loose my undergarments and fulfill the passion that is burning inside of me. 

But I cannot do that; especially knowing that there are many people looking up to me.  My flesh screams, “What the heck?”  It continues to speak, “What they don’t know won’t hurt them, right?”

I know that I am not the only one going through this!  Thus, the question of URGENCY arises:  What do you do when you are sexy, single and saved and the "urge" comes upon you?”

Human growth and development classes would tell you that the urge is normal and you should act upon it. Now days fulfilling sexual desires are grouped, as a basic human need like food, clothing and shelter.

Typically, in our culture people are encouraged to talk and get counseling for personal struggles related to many social issues. It is odd that people do not want to talk about sex. It affects most, if not all, at some point or another. People just want to stay quiet on this topic and hope that no one (especially people at church) finds out they are battling this sexual weakness; which is absurd because King David—a man after God’s own heart—struggled with the same battle!

I once read an article that mentioned a disturbing statistic on the number of Christians, or better yet people that attended church regularly that admitted to being fornicators. We know fornication is a sin but continually fall in its seductive traps. Some like R&B singer Eric Benet gets so entangled by its appeal that they are clinically labeled as “sex addicts”.

If fornication is an addiction, much like alcohol and drug, then why is it so hard to understand and incorporate a plan of action towards healing? Many addictive behaviors have support groups; why not one for fornicators?

As I sit on my living room floor at 0305 hours, I ask the Lord to show me what to do. Why am I going through this; and how can I empower others through my experience? The song “Let’s give them something to talk about” resonates as a soundtrack to my thoughts. People are struggling with maintaining their virtue and living up to the commitments they made during a “True Love Waits” ceremony.

I recall that in the early 90s the female rap group Salt-N-Pepper once sang “Let’s talk About Sex”.  However somewhere between generation X and Y people stopped talking about sex.  Instead, Nike’s “Just Do It” persona became the social conversation piece and norm.

I’ve noticed that in our culture it is hard to talk about sex.  BUT THAT STOPS TODAY!

Until Next Time Stay Positive and Be Blessed,

The Original Godzillionairess 



I am a single 30-something year old that is a full-time seminary student and 18-year veteran in the United States Army Reserves. I have given much thought to starting a blog for many years; but I delayed the process because I realized that blogging requires one to be very transparent, especially if the theme of your blog is personal.

My life has been a process of cultural extremes. By sharing my experiences, thoughts, and feelings through this platform, I hope to inspire and empower others to know that they are not alone; and secondly help me to speak my truth as a "Sexy, Single, and Saved Lady" living in America today!

So until next time, stay positive and be blessed!

The Original Godzillionairess